Easport Bay Day
Saturday, July 30th
A celebration of life on Passamaquoddy Bay. July 30th brings a fun filled day for kids and families in downtown Eastport, Maine.
Chocolate Fest 2015
Canada's Chocolate Town, St. Stephen, New Brunswick
July 30th - August 7th
Food, entertainment, competitions, activities and more!
Learn more at: http://chocolate-fest.ca/site/index.php#sthash.juTBnrHl.dpuf
The Mary Potterton Memorial Concert Series 2016
Lubec, Maine
For a schedule of concerts: http://summerkeys.com/concerts/
2016 International Homecoming Festival
Calais, Maine, USA and St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada
August 3rd - 7th
Children's activities, pageants, parade, movies, food and more!
For a schedule of events: http://www.internationalhomecomingfestival.com/services.html
The 41st Annual Machias Blueberry Festival
August 19th - 21st
Many vendor and craft booths, food, contests, raffles, food and more!
More information can be found at
29th Annual Eastport Salmon & Seafood Festival
September 3rd - 4th
11th Annual Eastport Pirate Festival
September 9th -11th
We will update this post if we learn of any other events!